

回收 is an effective way to divert waste from the landfill, but we all need to make sure we are recycling properly. All recycled items should be clean (free of food residue) and dry. 避免wish-cycling, the triangle sign with a number is a plastic type identifier NOT an indicator that an item is recyclable. Refer to the signs posted above bins to see what items are accepted.

These blue bins can be found in all campus buildings. 这是你可以回收的地方 (清洁 & 干) 金属罐、纸 & 硬纸板、玻璃罐 & 瓶子和塑料瓶 & 壶.

To help our community keep E-waste out of landfills, 中北书院 has an electronics recycling program. Collection bins can be found in each Residence Hall as well as in 卡内基, 温兹科学中心, 和温兹音乐厅.

塑料袋 & 电影
It's important to keep plastic bags out of the blue single stream recycling bin as they can get stuck and damage equipment at sorting facilities. This type of plastic can be recycled in specialized programs 和re are a number of collection bins across campus, look for the yellow sign and lids. 塑料袋 & 电影 collection bins can be found in athletic training rooms, 图书馆, 温兹科学中心, 老主楼2楼, 卡内基, 还有收发室

灯泡、压舱物、 & 电池
Our maintenance team collects and sorts these items at our Operations building, which are taken to an external vendor for recycling


堆肥ing is the process through which organic material, 比如食物残渣, decomposes into a substance called compost or humus. This can be used to fertilize gardens and soil creating a closed loop cycle. At 中北书院, we collect food scraps at two of our dining locations. The organic material is then picked up and taken to an external composting facility. 中北书院 began composting in 2011 at 考夫曼食堂. Since then, composting has become a major method of waste diversion on campus.

You can contribute by composting your food scraps when dining at 考夫曼食堂 和 笼子里. Look for signage at each location that indicates what items can and cannot be composted. 

Additionally, offices that wish to compost can request a 2.5加仑桶 sustainability@noctrl.edu 收集食物残渣. To participate in the program an office needs to have a designated 堆肥大使 to promote the program and proper use to co-workers, as well as ensure the bin is regularly monitored and emptied.


At the end of every academic year, when students move out of the residence halls, 可持续性 Central is there to reduce the amount of waste sent to the landfill. Make sure to properly dispose of items such as clothing; carpet; electronics; un-opened, non-perishable food; and new/gently used school supplies in designated collection areas.

回收 资源 in the Community

In addition to all waste reduction efforts at 中北书院, there are so many ways to recycle and re-use off campus. 


The City of Naperville offers a comprehensive recycling program 致所有居民. This includes curbside pickup, a recycling drop off center, and a household hazardous waste drop off. 


Thrift stores are an important way to keep clothing out of a landfill and reduce consumption of natural resource. Here are some local ones to try:




稀缺的 “School and Community Assistance for 回收 and 堆肥ing Education” 稀缺的 offers extensive reuse and recycling programs to the public to help keep “stuff” out of landfills.


Caring for our planet is about more than just recycling. 事实上, before we even think about recycling, we need to take steps to Reduce our Waste, and Reuse the items we have before buying new! Here are some great ways to Reduce waste in your home or dorm!